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How Supported Dentists Ease Dental Phobia

By Heartland Dental

At Heartland Dental, we're proud to help our supported dentists and practices grow to be the absolute best they can be. While most of our dental support services take the form of administrative support or marketing materials, we also thrive by providing our supported dentists with resources and strategies for providing better dental care.While some patients have no trouble and even enjoy the dentist, for patients with dental phobia, a dental appointment can be a truly frightening experience – but here are some tips for helping your patients feel comfortable when they visit your practice.

Strategies for Reducing Dental Anxiety in Patients

  • Talk with the Patient in Detail: Talking is one of the simplest, most powerful tools for easing dental anxiety. Take some time before the appointment or procedure to describe exactly what the visit will entail, making sure to answer any questions and address any specific anxieties your patient may have.
  • Distract: During the procedure, it can help to give the patient something to distract themselves – this may be something like music, a television playing during the procedure, or anything that takes the patient's mind off what's happening.
  • Give Them Control: Allowing the patient more control over the procedure can also help. Try giving them a signal they can use to have you stop what you're doing, even something as simple as raising their hand.
  • Consider Sedation Dentistry: For some patients, no amount of distraction or talking can make them feel at home during a dental appointment. In these cases, it may be appropriate to talk about sedation dentistry and use a mild sedative to help the patient feel comfortable and relaxed during the procedure.

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These tips can help all your patients have a good experience when visiting your office, and if you have more questions about how to work with anxious patients, Heartland Dental is always here to help. Feel free to call us at (866) 929-0040 with questions on managing dental phobia or dentistry in general, and if you're considering partnering with a dental support organization, find out more about what it's like to affiliate with Heartland Dental. We hope to hear from you soon!

Tags: Dental Support Organization