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Scan the ‘Ham

By Heartland Dental

At Heartland Dental’s Dr. LEADS event, the latest technology available to dentists is typically featured as one of the many points of discussion. This year, one of the innovative pieces of technology discussed was intraoral scanners. This revolutionary technology is taking the dental industry by storm, helping dentists assess a patient’s oral health more quickly, efficiently and comprehensively, leading to a higher level of care. This fits in with Heartland Dental’s goal to help 90% of supported offices implement iTero® Element scanners in their offices. Currently YTD, over 700 scanners have been implemented by supported offices.

This scanner initiative played a role at Dr. LEADS with the Scan the ‘Ham event. On July 26th and 27th, over 220 members of the Effingham community and team members at the Effingham Support Office received digital oral health scans with the iTero Element scanner. From the scans, they learned valuable information about any possible oral health issues taking place and how to advance their smile.

Today’s dentists want access to state-of-the-art technology, especially with digital workflow becoming the norm in today’s industry. Likewise, today’s dental patients want and expect dental offices to be current with the latest technology and techniques. The iTero Element intraoral scanner will help Heartland Dental supported doctors/teams enhance patient experiences and improve clinical outcomes.

Scanners are just one more example of Heartland Dental’s commitment to offering state of the art technology that increases opportunities for supported dentists to provide lifetime care.

Tags: Dental Support Organization, Heartland Dental